Untropomorfic figures (2024)
The Untropomorphic figures series works with the idea that the imagination in the picture is not formed by the "sovereign" human fantasy. Imagination is rather the ability to create images inherent in all living and material things. Untropomorphic figures refer to the non-just-human anatomy of the seen. Figures that do not come exclusively from human physicality, but from the parameters of material and procedural actors. Involved in the painting together with the artist. The author of the picture has an ambivalent role here. He acts more like a dialogue moderator. He tries to improve the craft aspects of his work, on the other hand, he gives space to peculiar defects which are not a mistake but a desired manifestation of "material intelligence" in the image-making process of painting.

Ingots; 2024,
40x110 & 40x90cm,
Al, shellac, tetraborate sodium, soot
prize: 70 000Kč/€ 2780
Dilema; 2023,
Glup, acrylic, soot
prize: 25 000Kč/€ 993
Sediment; 2024,
Al, shellac, acrylic varnish, soot
prize: 90 000Kč/€ 3576
Ghost; 2024,
Glup, shellac, soot
prize: 28 000Kč/€ 1112