No weather today - Gallery of the City of Pilsen
Curator: Klára Vavrík, Photo: Martin Polák
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In a certain famous novel, by a certain famous writer, we learn about the battle for the perspective of two characters, a mother and a son. While the son sees the mother as a simple woman who, without knowledge of the current events, deals with banal things all the time, such as the pears on the trees in her garden... the mother perceives the son as disproportionately burdened by the current gusts of wind, through which it is impossible to see even the fruits that are ripening directly for him in front of your eyes.
Mother, for the sake of pears, does not see the tank. The son, for the tanks themselves, does not see pears. One is trapped in linear time. In the one where the main word is given to great deeds written on the endlessly stretching line of history written by man for man. The second is in cyclical time, where it is determined by constantly repeating natural periods and where abundance and scarcity are continuous vessels, one of which flows into the other.
How many light miles do we have to drag our perspective away from these two to find ourselves somewhere at a point where neither wars nor pears matter?
We are floating in a galaxy at the edge of galaxies, in a multidimensional dimension that is indescribable to our brains. "The planet doesn't really care" quotes the philosopher Lukáš Likavčan in the chapter EARTH-WITHOUT-US in his book Introduction to Comparative Planetology. And further, it deals with the definition of the Earth without the concept of man and "mother nature" as determining drivers essential for it. "According to Thacker's analysis, the human confrontation with the unthinkable, threatening aspects of the world that indicate the limitation of the human species consists in the existence of a world-without-us subtracting everything human from the world". The world-without-us is thus the opposite of the existential, phenomenological concept of the world-for-us, and thanks to this it can capture the meaning of the term "planet" in its cosmological and non-human form: "[The planet] remains a negative concept, simply something that persists even after to man."
How far from the planet and global ecology are we? Are we turning in the fingers of one hand right in front of our eyes a pear that we have already grown and in which the whole universe is contained for us? Do we read dozens of news channels daily to know what, who, when and where? Do we cry at forest fires and count the economic losses of natural disasters? We close our eyes in the moment before falling asleep and float in space, where "the flood is after us?" And what about who needs us and why? And does the planet really care wholeheartedly?

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